The module features a unique library of algorithms for forecasting and processing of time series and a mechanism for the automatic selection of the optimal model. It also features a mechanism that takes account of total sale data by aggregated groups/regions which allows significantly improving the accuracy of forecasting goods that are not sold consistently and newly launched products. The calculation server effectively parallelizes calculations that allows scaling the performance of the solution.
User interface of the forecasting and data preparation system. Enables to adjust actual sales, analyze the quality of forecasting and tune algorithms.
Enables to set up the process of automatically obtaining all necessary information from your data sources and organize the transfer of calculation results to your ERP/accounting system.
Provides a convenient mechanism for coordinating plans between employees and departments of your company and enables the creation and storage of different versions of plans and comments on them, and component-by-component parsing of forecasts. Subsequently, versions become available for plan/actual analyses to verify that all assumptions made are correct.
If the company has data on sell-out and counterparties' warehouse balances, the system will automatically recalculate forecast sell-out into sell-in considering actual and planned balances. It is possible to adjust the resulting sell-in forecast, thus changing the planned balances.
A tool for evaluating the effect of completed, and planning future, marketing campaigns considering the specific features of impact from different types of campaigns and their parameters.